Year 3 Artists

What a creative term we’re having in Year 3! Inspired by our Victorians topic, we have worked on several exciting projects.

    • William Morris

      After researching this amazing Victorian artist, we closely studied his floral prints – spotting repeated patterns and motifs. Zooming in, we chose individual leaves or flowers to sketch before creating our own print blocks. We printed these over floral backgrounds and our finished work looks amazing! Did you know William Morris was a keen environmentalist? He wanted to bring the natural world into urban Victorian homes through his wallpapers!

  • Lowry

    In contrast, Lowry was more interested in portraying the urban cityscapes of post-Victorian England. We learnt about his life and created our own versions of his famous paintings ‘Coming to the Mill’ and ‘Going to Work’ in collage. We thought about background, midground and foreground to create depth and layers in our work. We have also been singing Matchstalk Men in class – a seventies classic all about Lowry!

  • Queen Victoria portraits

    At our visit to Kensington Palace, we saw several portraits of Queen Victoria. We could see how differently she was shown at various stages of her life and created our own portraits, thinking carefully about skin tone and facial proportions.