We smashed our solar fundraising target!

We are very proud that as a school community we have now raised over £18,000 to put solar panels on our roof.  Eleanor Palmer is one of the last schools to be benefiting from the government’s feed-in tariff and is installing a 120 panel, 30kwp system to its main roof in July 2016, saving around 15 tonnes of CO2 per year. We launched our fundraising in October 2015 with the goal of raising £14,000.  We have smashed their target and raised over £18,000 so far.  The latest very generous donation was presented by BAM Nuttall who generously raised £1200 by cycling 1200 kilometres on an exercise bike in their office on Hampstead Heath!

The solar panels will generate the school over £200,000 in the next 20 years through energy savings and the government’s feed-in tariff.

The children played a hugely important role in raising money including running film nights, cake sales, ice-cream sales, selling solar wristbands and organising a craft day.  Parents have also generously donated and several companies have supported us. It’s been a whole community effort! Thank you everyone!