School Information Categories


What do we do?

Contact the Governors at

The Governing Body has responsibility, alongside the staff of our school, for deciding the strategic direction of the school. This includes contributing to decisions on:

  • Vision and Values
  • Finance
  • Curriculum
  • Health and safety
  • Premises
  • Welfare and discipline
  • Standards
  • Staffing
  • Equality and inclusion
  • Community
  • Admissions
  • Extended services
  • Special needs

Our role is crucial:

  • We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and an inclusive environment
  • We provide support and challenge to the leadership team of the school on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of our pupils
  • We provide a link into the wider Borough of Camden – helping to ensure we are able to contribute to decisions made about schools across the Borough

Click HERE for Governing Body Committees’ Terms of Reference

Click HERE for Governor Behaviour Principles

The Governing Body is drawn from the staff of the school, the Local Authority, parents and the wider community that our school serves.

Parent Governors play a particular role in representing parental concerns to the governors and we are always looking for interested parents who want to contribute to the school in this way.

If you are interested in the work we do, would like to find out more, have any questions – or are interesting in becoming a governor, please contact Tania (Clerk to the Governors) in the office in the first instance on

Contacting the Governors

The Governing Body welcomes the views of parents and we are always happy to discuss issues with parents.

If there is any matter that concerns you, or if you have ideas about how to improve the school, please feel free to contact us.

Email us at 

You can also write to us (please ensure any correspondence if left in the office in an envelope marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors).

Click HERE for Governor roles, declarations of interest and meeting attendance 2023-24

Click HERE for Governor roles, declarations of interest and meeting attendance 2021-2022

Click HERE for Governor roles, declarations of interest and meeting attendance 2020-2021

Click HERE for Governor roles, declarations of interest and meeting attendance 2019-2020

Click HERE for Governor roles, declarations of interest and meeting attendance 2018-2019


Governing Body Meeting Minutes




Who We Are

Eleanor Palmer has 12 Governors. They are made up of 5 parent governors elected by the parents, 1 governor appointed by the Local Education Authority, 1 teacher governor, the Headteacher and 4 co-opted community governors.

Instrument of Government

Andrea Bara Bara

Andrea Bara Bara

Parent Governor

Everyone, past and present, adores EP because it’s a warm, inclusive and secure school. EP’s community and army of engaged parents remains one of its key strengths. I welcome the opportunity to speak on behalf of you and your children on important matters including the curriculum, finances and well-being. I apply the required scrutiny and ask the difficult questions to benefit all of our children. I support the leadership team to ensure that the school has a clear vision with a robust school improvement plan which identifies and addresses any gaps.

Since graduating with a degree in HR, I have been fortunate to work across many industries. For over 14 years, I have been a dedicated employee of the NHS, because I love people. My natural disposition is to be kind, fair and frank, whilst advocating for what is best for individuals and the whole team.

Additionally, I serve on the committee at St Benedict’s Church, a role similar to that of a parent governor. I attend regular meetings and analyse finances and policies.

Aoife Nolan

Aoife Nolan

Parent Governor

Eleanor Palmer is a warm, diverse, inclusive and positive community where people grow together and support each other. A crucial part of securing that community is a governing body that supports the School in transparent, accountable decision-making in an economic climate that is ever-more challenging for the School and families.  With children in Year 3 and Reception (as well as older children who attended EP many years ago), I am an academic with a background in children’s rights, the right to education and social justice.  I have been a trustee for multiple charities and have run several centres and initiatives. All of these experiences have given me insight into the challenges of staffing and resource management in situations of constrained finances. As a lawyer, I have a strong sense of the importance and value of process, while my work as an educator and a researcher (including work with children) has given me direct experience of the potential challenges surrounding curriculum design and delivery. Throughout my career, I have collaborated with and advocated for people from a wide range of socio-economic, racial, ethnic, religious and national backgrounds. State education is under pressure and so is the School. My role as governor is to work with the School and our community so as to ensure the best possible educational experience, opportunities and outcomes for all of the children at Eleanor Palmer.

Christophe Frèrebeau

Christophe Frèrebeau

Chair of Governors and Parent Governor

I am a father of three. My son is in Year 3.I am a software engineer by training. My business knowledge as evolved as I participated in multiple technology over the last 15 years. My colleagues would describe me as a creative problem solver, strategic thinker and an achiever. I like to rely on data to drive my decisions but I recognize good inter-personal relations and good communication is often the key to success.

Our son started at EP in nursery and for the past 4 years I believe the team at EP have been doing a fantastic job. There seems to be quite a few hurdles to navigate ahead of us from the evolution of the curriculum, potential changes to special needs funding rules, or simply focusing on the next big project for EP.

Gonzalo Coello De Portugal

Gonzalo Coello De Portugal

Parent Governor

I am the father of two children at Eleanor Palmer. Born in Madrid, I hold the British and Spanish nationalities, and have lived in Camden and Islington since 2004.

I am an architect and run a practice based in Kentish Town, which has given me experience dealing with local authorities and expertise to make the most out of limited budgets. Always interested in Education, I have taught part-time at London Universities for the last twelve years and currently I am an Associate Lecturer at University College London (UCL). I am lucky enough to have complemented my day job with volunteer work for a long time. I serve on the Executive Committee of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in UK since 2017, making decisions about which initiatives to fund and how money could be best spent. Prior to that I have been the representative of a housing association in Islington, and volunteered for Architects Without Borders for 10 years.

I have a particular interest in Arts education and fostering creativity as a way to “think outside the box”, with the ultimate objective that all children can fulfil their potential whatever their background or special educational needs.

Jack Tinley

Jack Tinley

Local Authority Governor

I became a governor in 2022 and have several years of experience working with charities that help to develop skills and confidence in local young people. I live in Camden and professionally I work in finance.

Nanouche Umeadi

Nanouche Umeadi

Associate Governor

I have lived in Kentish Town for over 25 years and have two children at EP!  Since joining Eleanor Palmer I have enjoyed and embraced the positive culture that the school provides, as well as the community spirit. We are part of a thriving school community.
I am passionate about ensuring our children’s best interests are at the forefront of the agenda. I come from a diverse working background, ranging from research and administration to working in schools and the voluntary sector. My experience in schools is working as a teaching assistant as well as supporting pupils with a range of disabilities and special needs in classrooms for several years.
The governance of our school should be one that is reflective of the diversity of expertise, lived experience and positive role-models required for us to continue to be deliver on our core aims as a school.
With the school facing numerous challenges, and cuts to funding, it is vital we have a broad representation of people to help move the school forward. That is how I believe we will sustain all that we value in a challenging financial climate.

Sei-Kee Maturine

Sei-Kee Maturine

Parent Governor

I have four children at Eleanor Palmer and have first hand experience of dealing with children in various year groups with different needs and challenges.

I have a broad working background that ranges from working in Mental Health, Safeguarding and Protection, mentoring young people & adults and working in the Health and Social care sector. I work extensively with social workers within the community as well as Camden Commissioners making key decisions. As an Educator I have experience working in various educational settings and institutions in different capacities. I also work closely with several organisations that encourage the educational attainment and future aspirations of children and young people.

It is important to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, needs and behaviour are thriving and truly feel part of the school community. A governing body should be one that is reflective of different backgrounds and cultures; but with great minds to elevate our school. As a parent Governor I want to help contribute towards making a positive impact in a school that continues to thrive and do amazing things for our children.

Shanti Fricker

Shanti Fricker

Co-opted Governor

After many wonderful years being a parent at Eleanor Palmer, I wanted to give something back and became a parent governor. I am now chair of the staffing committee and safeguarding governor.

 As a primary school teacher, I have first hand experience of the education system and knowledge of teaching and learning. I currently work part-time as an intervention teacher where I support children across the school needing extra help in Maths and Literacy.






Jennifer Allan

Jennifer Allan

Co-opted Goverbor

I have been a governor since 2004, first as a parent governor  and subsequently as co-opted governor. My two sons attended Eleanor Palmer and even though they are now adults (and tower over me!) they remember EP very fondly (yes….trips, classmates, visitors).  I retired recently after over 30 years working on various aspects of schools policy at the Department for Education and I keep up my interest in education policy and research alongside some (ok, many) new hobbies. Over the years, I have really appreciated the chance to contribute to the school and be part of this inclusive, lively and striving community.

Tim Peake

Tim Peake

Co-opted Governor

Governor since 2000. I became a governor primarily as I had an interest in assisting the school my 2 children were attending. I was also keen to understand how schools work and saw that my architectural skills could be useful given the need for improvement works to the premises and the lack of overt support from the local authority on such matters. I have also an interest in assisting the local community, having been a founding member and chair of two housing cooperatives in Camden and lived in the borough for over 30 years.

Boris Telyatnikov

Boris Telyatnikov

Co-opted Governor

I have lived in Camden for the greatest proportion of my life, now serving as co-opted governor I was originally appointed as a LEA governor at Eleanor Palmer in June 2008 to have more involvement in my local community. I have always taken great interest in our education system and am a parent to a primary school age boy. During the day, I work as a solicitor in the City specialising in commercial litigation.


Governors' Newsletter Summer 2024

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Governor Newsletter Summer 2023

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Letter from the Governing Body Summer 2022

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Parent Questionnaire Summer 2021

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Letter from the Governing Body July 2021

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Governing Body Parent Questionnaire 2019

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Governing Body Parent Questionnaire July 2018

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