School Funding Cuts

The government are  consulting on a new formula for funding schools. Their proposals will mean that nearly all schools in London will have their funding reduced. For Camden this will mean losing some £3.5million. This cut would be on top of an 8% reduction in spending resulting from a ‘flat cash’ settlement for schools which cannot keep up with increasing costs of pensions, insurance and salaries. Meanwhile £2 billion is set aside for purchasing land and buildings for free schools…

The Association of London Councils has estimated that Camden will lose £471 per pupil in real term funding by 2019. As a small and relatively advantaged school (thus receiving less budget), this will have a profound effect on all that Eleanor Palmer can offer.

Parents in a number of London boroughs have come together to oppose these cuts and form a new campaign ‘Fair Funding For All Schools’. The website includes guides to the consultation, model letters to MPs and other resources.

The voice of parents in this campaign will be very important. I do hope you will visit the website and voice your opposition to the scale of these cuts to London (Camden) schools. In the coming months we will begin to get a better sense of the impact both next year and into the future for Eleanor Palmer. To preserve all that we hold dear, your support for school events, wider fund-raising and campaigning is truly needed, now more than ever.

Respond to the government’s consultation here

Sign and share the petition here