Mapping on Hampstead Heath

Last week Year 1 headed out to Hampstead Heath.
We joined the Heath experts Olivia and Mark who took us across the Heath and into the Secret Garden! On the way we saw the Shard, the BT Tower and the London Eye.
With them we looked at maps, learning how to find landmarks on the landscape to match to our location on the map to find our way.

We used maps to play spot the difference to get us thinking about keys and symbols. We also went in a shape treasure hunt, plotting where we found each shape on our maps.

We learnt more about the compass directions and played fun games with north, east, south west.

After our packed lunch we said goodbye to Mark and Olivia and went leaf collecting. At school we had thought about the colours of autumn and painting 3 boxes so we could colour match leaves, berries, twigs and flowers on the Heath.
We saw so many beautiful colours ranging from bright and dark greens to pinks and deep reds! Autumn is so colourful!