How strong is snail slime?

As part of their Minibeast topic Year 2 investigated the strength of snail slime.  This involved harvesting slime onto plastic (so we could see where it was)  by luring snails with leaves and cucumber, which the children thoroughly enjoyed! We then stuck a range of objects into the slime and then turned the plastic over to see if it held strong.  Surprisingly the slime of garden snails was strong enough  to hold leaves, sand and wood chip but not a 1p coin.  We then thought it would be interesting to test Tiny the African land snail’s slime (Reception’s class pet) and compare the results. We found that Tiny’s slime isn’t as strong as garden snail slime.  We hypothesised that this might be because African land snails don’t need to cling to the underside of leaves, only using their slime to move around on the ground.