Curriculum and Ethos Categories


Homework at EP

At Eleanor Palmer we have a strong commitment to parental involvement and see homework as one way of developing this partnership. However Eleanor Palmer is not a school at which homework dominates home and school life. We accept that not every activity will capture children and parents’ imagination and that weekends can sometimes be busy.

 We believe that homework should be enjoyable and manageable for all concerned and that if it becomes a chore/burden/source of conflict it ceases to be a constructive aspect of teaching and learning. Research also persuades us that it does , in itself, raise attainment.

 For this reason have a reduced set of homework routines.

Our routines and expectations:

All classes give out a weekly newsletter on a Friday and on the reverse are some prompts for weekly core mathematical fluency, and spelling tasks, linked to class-work and weekly tests. It is expected that these tasks are done.  There is always the prompt to read every night too.

 In addition there will be optional suggestions for further topic-related research or activity e.g. finding out about the next area of topic work, visiting an exhibition or testing something out at home. Increasingly teachers are using the web for homework. Suggestions may  direct children and parents to play a specific game or, to comment on a blog set up on our website.

 These suggestions in the newsletter will have been explained and discussed in class before coming home. It is our intention, and good practice, not to send work home that the child cannot already do i.e. parents are not expected to teach new skills, rather to revisit or practice prior learning.

 We do not specify amounts of time that must be spent on a task, preferring individual children and families to set their own routines.

 Homework is not handed in; there are other ways in which teachers will respond or give feedback, for example, sharing  learning in class discussion or celebrating improvements in times table quizzes.

Our additional needs teachers may send specific tasks home to support the learning of the children they support. This will be discussed with parents.